
Update on McCormick's medical condition

Friday, 27 April 2012 08:12 GMT
Update on McCormick's medical condition
Following Brett McCormick's accident at Assen the Effenbert Liberty Racing Team would like to issue the following update.

Recent clinical investigations have shown that in addition to the fracture of the 5th and 6th cervical vertebra, Brett has also reported a lumbar fracture, so for a few weeks he will have to wear a collar and back brace to immobilize the affected areas. The situation is positive, there is no spinal damage, as it was already excluded after the first analysis, on Sunday.

The young Canadian, currently still hospitalized at Assen Hospital, is continuing medical treatment, but obviously he is suffering big pain. Brett is in good mood; he has the desire to return to ride his bike, he is very confident, above all he hasn't lost his usual smile that always characterizes him, and this positive mood is very important for him to deal with his rehabilitation.

With all probability Brett will leave to Canada by tomorrow (Friday), with a special trip that will include ambulance transport and a private plane, organized specifically, because the rider has to remain lying not to stress the fractures during the long flight itinerary. It is still early to fix the time of his full recovery, however it could be in about two / three months.

The Effenbert Liberty Racing Team would like to thank all the people who are showing their solidarity to Brett McCormick and our team, and who are waiting with us for the return of "The Kid".